01 May 2014
Forum 2013: Economic Outlook Debate: Growth and jobs

Trade union leaders press for action on job creation and income inequality

Trade union leaders attending OECD Forum and Ministerial Council on May 5 - 7 will press for action on job creation and reducing income inequality.

Trade union leaders attending OECD Forum and Ministerial Council on May 5 - 7 at OECD headquarters in Paris will press for action on job creation and reducing income inequality.

Here is the trade union leaders' message:

Six years into the crisis, unemployment in the OECD area remains above 46 million in 2014. We are faced with a 62 million global “jobs gap”.

Young women and men are particularly scarred - worldwide, over 75 million people under 25 are out of work. Income inequality is on the rise, leaving low- and middle income households most affected by the effects of misguided crisis management.

Economic growth and social cohesion will suffer profoundly from such income and employment gaps if not dealt with over the medium-term. Lack in decisive policy actions of OECD members on this, but also on financial regulation and responsible investment practices, needs to be addressed during this OECD Week.

We remain faced with 4 fundamental problems that are on the verge of becoming structural: continued long-term unemployment and low wages; insufficient public investment and a weakened public sector.

The OECD Forum and Ministerial Council Meeting come at the right time to reassess policies and find new approaches to fair, sustainable and resilient growth.

The Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) has invited representatives of national and global trade union centres to the meetings as speakers and participants to push for such policy shift. Labour leaders will be available for press briefings throughout the 3 Days.

TUAC is specifically asking for coordinated action to accelerate “recovery” through increased investment in quality job creation, infrastructure, green growth and sustainable development, an OECD Youth Jobs Pact, the structural separation of too-big-to-fail banks, the implementation of the OECD BEPS Action Plan and a strategy for socially sustainable global value chains.

Inclusive societies can only come about through reduced income inequality, and a decrease in precarious, informal or irregular work through collective bargaining and social dialogue.

Key trade union leaders participating in OECD Week 2014

Over 70 labour representatives from OECD and non-OECD member countries will attend all events. Key Speakers include:

o Richard Trumka, TUAC President and President AFLCIO, United States

o Nobuaki Koga, TUAC Vice-President and President RENGO, Japan

o Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

o Philip Jennings, General Secretary of UNI Global Union

o John Evans, General Secretary of TUAC

o Marie-Louise Knuppert, TUAC Vice-President and Elected Secretary LO-Denmark

o Reiner Hoffman, Executive Board member, DGB, Germany

o William Spriggs, Chief Economist AFLCIO, United States

Contact for trade union media information:

For requests for informal media briefings and interviews,
Contact Anna Byhovskaya, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +33 155 37 37 37
Tags: asia, trade unions, oecd mcm 2014, oecd forum 2014, tuac, income inequality

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