17 May 2020

Why does Beijing lie about Covid-19?

To understand why Beijing is lying so much about COVID-19, you have to understand the corrupt deal China’s Communist Party has struck with the country’s elites, a

In a recent article in the American Interest, Jacqueline Deal argues that "to understand why Beijing is lying so much about COVID-19, you have to understand the corrupt deal China’s Communist Party has struck with the country’s elites".

Despite the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) socialist pretensions, according to Deal, "General Secretary Xi Jinping worries most about the loyalty of the professional and entrepreneurial strata of PRC society. To secure the allegiance of the PRC’s best, brightest, and wealthiest, Xi must ensure that CCP rule is viewed as potent, and that party membership is seen as attractive and privilege-conferring. By this logic, Xi couldn’t afford reports of high-level susceptibility to COVID-19 lest they puncture his regime’s image and disaffect elites."

Deal continues "On February 3, Xi Jinping instructed officials to “vividly tell touching stories from the epidemic control and prevention frontline,” and to “let positive energy fill the network space.” "

Deal concludes "The CCP, having unleashed the chaos of COVID-19 on its country and the rest of the world, must lead from the rear to protect itself and maintain the fiction of its omnipotence. What a testament to the brittleness of the regime; what a coup if it succeeds."

Read the full article at the link below;

Tags: china, covid-19, xi jinping

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